A national center spearheading systemic policies for reducing addiction and its damages

Promoting the field of addiction in the national agenda 

to allow optimal treatment and effective prevention

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Check yourselves

What is my addiction status?

Check where you are on the border between use and addiction with the help of 7 simple questions

(3 min.)

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About Us

Welcome to the Israel Center on Addiction (reg. NPO)

The Israel Center on Addiction (reg. NPO) works to promote mental health and personal resilience among all people and to create a healthier society in Israel. We promote a high quality professional solutions to the challenge of addiction in Israel, dealing with all its forms and consequences, in order to minimize the suffering caused by addiction. This is achieved through activity in multiple fields: policy, research, prevention, training and improving quality of care. All of ICA’s activities are studied and evaluated in order to continuously monitor the effectiveness of various interventions and then promote them at a national level.

You are welcome to contact us and we will be happy to help you.

Contact the center:

The center clinic:

[email protected]


פנייה למרפאת המרכז הישראלי להתמכרויות

אנא מלאו את הפרטים הבאים ואנו נשוב אליכם במהירות האפשרית
*אין למלא פרטים של אדם אחר ללא הסכמתו וידיעתו 
לתשומת ליבכם – זמן ההמתנה לכניסה לטיפול במרפאה הוא למעלה מ-6 חודשים

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